Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sauerkraut, the Slow Fast Food

Sauerkraut, the Slow Fast Food

Make Whey. Take some plain yogurt, scoop some into a coffee filter lined funnel. If you have milk allergies, skip this step and use an extra tablespoon of salt below.

Shred Cabbage. I use this slicer, but have used a knife and cutting board.

Add salt and whey, and pound. For a medium head of cabbage use 1 tablespoon salt (Redmond Real Salt, Celtic Sea salt, or something of similar quality), and 4 tablespoons whey. I used extra salt because my cabbage was large.

Press pounded cabbage into quart jars leaving 1" head space. Be sure cabbage is pushed down under the juice. Cover and leave at room temperature for three days.

This process only took about 45 minutes from start to finish, including clean up, ending with two quarts of Sauerkraut. With practice faster. Time well spent on an inexpensive food that will add healthy flora to the gut, one spoonful at a time. Now I have a quick addition to many meals.

Don't wait until your gut is damaged and you develop food allergies or an Autoimmune Disease. Start your little ones on fermented foods early.

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